Contact & FAQs
1. How to enter this service To subscribe to receive your mobile content simply reply to the incoming SMS with the keyword YES or click the confirmation button displayed on the payment page hosted by your mobile Operator. You will then receive your link to download your content. You will be billed 7 times a week.
2. I did not receive my SMS after filling in my mobile number. Please fill in your mobile number on our website and submit again. In several minutes you will receive the SMS on your mobile phone.
3. What are the costs of the subscription service? This is a subscription-based mobile content service. You are charged R6 a day for the duration of the subscription. The costs will be charged directly to your mobile phone account. For further details, please read the full Terms & Conditions listed on this website.
4. How do I unsubscribe from the service? There are three ways to stop the service: 1: Via text/sms: You can opt-out at any time by sending STOP to 37925. You will be unsubscribed immediately. 2: Via e-mail: You can send an e-mail containing the mobile number that needs to be unsubscribed to [email protected]. You will be unsubscribed within 24-hours (between business hours, otherwise on Monday after the weekend). 3: Via telephone: You can call the live help line number 27212048651 (during business hours). You will be unsubscribed within 24-hours (on business days).
5. How long will I be subscribed? This is a subscription service. You can end this subscription at any time by sending STOP to 37925.
6. I have never subscribed myself to your service, but I do receive text messages. The only way to subscribe to our service, is by actively confirm your agreement and desire to our service by reply to an incoming confirmation text message or clicking a confirmation button on a payment page hosted by your mobile Operator. After you have confirmed your subscription, the service will be activated.
7. I receive Spam, how can I stop this? Appsdorado does not send out emails. Our affiliate networks refer to our products in their promotional material, which are distributed through various mediums including email. If you have signed up with such a network to receive promotional material via email, you could therefore receive a Mcsecure offer. If you do not wish to receive these emails, you should contact the sender of the email and state your request. In most cases, there will be an unsubscription button within these emails that will allow you to block further communication from a particular party. Alternatively, you can block the sender of this email with a function within your own email application (Hotmail, Outlook, Gmail etc).
8. How can I stop pop-ups? Some computer software is offered free of charge and comes with integrated advertising. Such advertising allow the software developers to offer the software for free, and can be present in many applications including download accelerators, weather forecast tools, and music download applications. Our affiliate networks can promote Mcsecure services via these applications, which will appear as a pop-up in screen. Also, some websites generate their own pop-ups. Most of the time, this is done to enable them to continue to offer their products/information free of charge. Your can compare this situation to free to air television, where commercials are broadcasted during shows to cover the cost of broadcasting those shows. Pop-ups are harmless and can be closed in the same way as every other window. If however, you wish to stop these pop-ups, you can either uninstall the application causing them, or install a pop-up blocker such as AdAware.
9. Contact If you have any further questions, please contact us. The best way to contact us is via email. The e-mail address for services is: [email protected]
Alternatively, you can call us on our helpline on: 27212048651. Please don't forget to mention your mobile phone number.